show facility-alarm status. You can verify the alarms that cause the LED to go red with the show facility-alarm status command. show facility-alarm status

 You can verify the alarms that cause the LED to go red with the show facility-alarm status commandshow facility-alarm status  show facility

For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. After system bootup, the PSU state can be viewed with the show platform or show facility-alarm status commands. Use the alarm facility power-supply global configuration command to associate the power supply alarm to the relay. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. Note: To clear the the alarm LED, you need to shutdown the ports which are not connected. Step 9. Title: Alarms for the Cisco ISA 3000alarm facility power-supply relay major. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. show alarm settings. Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Switch#show facility-alarm status Source Severity Description Relay Time Switch MINOR 34 HSR ring is partially down MAJ Oct 24 2017 10:16:10 ----- Switch# show facility-alarm status Source Severity Description. To view the alarms on Cisco ASR 1001 router, use the show facility-alarm status command. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Monitoring Syslog Messages for Alarms. Verify the configuration. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. Verifying Normal Startup Sequence. 1, on RSP3 module, alarm notification is enabled on 900 watts DC power supply. Use the show platform and show environment all commands to check the online and environmental status of each FRU after installation. end. Enter the clear facility-alarm command. Sends power supply alarm traps to a syslog server. Alarm Severity Alarmsarefilteredbasedontheseveritylevel. Additionally, you can use the show facility-alarm status command to view the alarms. The routers are designed to send alarm notifications when problems are detected. You may be able to also use. Because that could also mean RMA for the box. Verifies the configuration. alarm facility temperature {primaryshow facility-alarm status [info | major | minor] Shows information on all alarms that have been triggered. •show facility-alarm status [info |major |minor] AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 6 AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 MonitoringAlarms. alarm facility power-supply syslog. show facility-alarm status [info | major | minor] Shows information on all alarms that have been triggered. Clearing Specific Alarms and Events Alarm Output Interface. You can limit the view by filtering on major or minor status. The following are examples of alarm messages that are sent to the console. Example: Displaying active alarms This. The LEDs indicate all system states in the startup sequence. Additional References. Related Documents. Bias-Free Language. Router# show facility-alarm status System Totals Critical: 22 Major: 0 Minor: 0 Source Time Severity Description [Index] ----- ----- ----- ----- TenGigabitEthernet0/0/0 May 18 2016 14:53:02 CRITICAL Physical Port Link Down [35] GigabitEthernet0/1/0 May 11 2016 18:53:36 CRITICAL Physical Port Link Down [1] GigabitEthernet0/1/1 May 11 2016 18:53:. Router# show facility-alarm status | inc 0/3/0 t1 0/3/0 Feb 01 2018 19:23:10 CRITICAL Section Receiver has loss of signal [1] Verifying Alarm Profile for Severity Change for T1 or E1 Alarms; Verifying Alarm Profile for. Sends power supply alarm traps to a syslog server. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. Environmental Monitoring; Fan Failures; Reporting. The FCS hysteresis threshold is applied to all ports on the switch. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. Depending on the type of alarms you configure, you might see. Just when you think you've hit every FTView landmine, bam. Insteadofconfiguringonecontact,youcanspecifyanytochangetheseverityforallcontacts. Displays the current major, minor, and critical alarm status, if any, and displays the configuration of the alarm thresholds. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. SNMP Traps. Insteadofconfiguringonecontact,youcanspecifyanytochangetheseverityforallcontacts. show platform hardware slot P <0-5> mcu status. f985. Command Reference. 10. The clear facility-alarm command does not clear an alarm LED on the Cisco Catalyst 9800-40 Wireless Controller. Step 8. The table below captures some of the key hardware capabilities of this new platforms. Theseverity controlsthebehavioroftheLEDassociatedwiththecontact. Get another show-tech and open tac case with Cisco and provide both show-tech files. To view the alarms on Cisco ASR 900 Series Router, use the show facility-alarm status command. The following are examples of alarm messages that are sent to the console. showf~showipu •showfacility-alarm(3ページ) •showfailover(6ページ) •showfailoverdescriptor(21ページ) •showfailoverexec(22ページ)Router# show facility-alarm status System Totals Critical: 22 Major: 0 Minor: 0 Source Time Severity Description [Index] ----- ----- ----- ----- subslot 0/0 May 18 2016 14:50:49 CRITICAL Active Card Removed OIR Alarm [0] GigabitEthernet0/1/0 May 11 2016 18:53:36 CRITICAL Physical Port Link Down [1] GigabitEthernet0/1/1 May 11 2016 18:53:36. show alarm settings. By checking the state of the LEDs, you can determine when and where the system failed in the startup sequence. Clearing Specific Alarms and Events. show facility-alarm status [info | major | minor] Shows information on all alarms that have been triggered. Step 4 . For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. There are 2 input feeds for 900 watts DC power supply, if one of the input voltage is lesser than the operating voltage, critical alarm is generated for that particular feed and clears (stops) once the voltage is restored but the power supply state remains in OK state as the. Returns to privileged EXEC mode. However, this command does not fix the alarm condition that triggered the external alarm: you still must resolve the problem. Alarms. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. 5 Helpful Reply. Bias-Free Language. Monitoring >Properties >Alarm >Facility Alarm Status AlarmportssupportfortheISA3000 9. Router# show facility-alarm status System Totals Critical: 22 Major: 0 Minor: 0 Source Time Severity Description [Index] ----- ----- ----- ----- TenGigabitEthernet0/0/0 May 18 2016 14:53:02 CRITICAL Physical Port Link Down [35] GigabitEthernet0/1/0 May 11 2016 18:53:36 CRITICAL Physical Port Link Down [1] GigabitEthernet0/1/1 May 11 2016 18:53:. Alarm Yellow Off Indicates an alarm condition at OC-12, DS3, or DS1 level. Thanks in Advanced. As far as I'm aware, the Critical LED will always be illuminated when it detects an. Toviewcriticalalarms,usetheshow facility-alarm status critical command,asshowninthefollowing example: Router#showfacility-alarmstatuscritical SystemTotals Critical:5 Major:0 Minor:0 Source Severity Description[Index]. Verify the configuration. Yellow. Step 10 . The State. Displays all global alarm settings on the switch. You can view these alarms using the show facility alarm status command. If a severity level is issued with the show facility-alarm status command, then only the alarms and events containing the matching severity level are displayed. You can limit the view by filtering on major or minor status. Return to privileged EXEC mode. 5 Helpful Reply. Step 11 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. The example shows a critical alarm for Power supply along with the description: SPA Removed. copy running-config startup-config ciscoasa> show facility-alarm relay Source Severity Description Relay Time ciscoasa minor external alarm contact 1 triggered Energized 06:56:50 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 次に、show facility-alarm status コマンドの出力例を示します。 ciscoasa> show facility-alarm status info To clear an audible alarm, do one of the following: • Press the Audible Cut Off button on the RP faceplate. The switch can also monitor the status of the Ethernet ports and generate alarm messages based on the alarms listed in Table 5-2. Alarms. Displays all generated alarms for the switch. Use the show facility-alarm status command to display more information about the alarm condition. > show facility-alarm status info Source Severity Description Relay Time firepower minor external alarm contact 1 triggered Energized 06:56:50 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 firepower minor Temp below Secondary Threshold De-energized 06:56:49 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 firepower major Redundant pwr missing or failed De-energized 07:00:19 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014. Verifying Normal Startup Sequence. XXXXXXX#sh facility-alarm status. alarm facility power-supply notifies. show facility-alarm status. Configuring the Power Supply Alarms. Sends power supply alarm traps to a syslog server. See the Cisco 10000 Series ESR Troubleshooting Guide. Monitoring Syslog Messages for Alarms. Clearing Specific Alarms and EventsFacility Protocol Status Support; Monitoring Alarms. The alarm status is polled every second to check if there are any changes in the alarm state (based on the user configuration). Examples. show env {all |. Depending on the type of alarms you configure, you might see. Configuration Examples for Switch Alarms Associating Temperature Alarms to a Relay: Examples . The following example shows how to use the show facility-alarm status command to verify if any critical alarm is generated when a module is removed from the system:. configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. if you the ports are not connected, if you shutdown you should see green status. The example shows a critical alarm for Power supply along with the description: Router# show facility-alarm status System Totals Critical: 2 Major: 0 Minor: 1Port Status Monitoring Alarms. on my router-1, port 0 is active, port 1 is inactive. Off . Beginner In response to marce1000. Verifying Normal Startup Sequence. •major. h = 5*10-10 / 10-8 = 5*10-2 = 0. Examples of Alarm Messages. The alarm output interface functions as a relay and also has a corresponding LED, which conveys the alarm status of an external sensor connected to the input interface, and internal sensors such as the dual power supply and temperature sensors. end. Monitoring Syslog Messages for Alarms. BB ** How to Ask The Cisco Community for Help. 2 Beforeproceedingwiththeupgradingordowngradingoperation,beawarethattheversionsofCiscocBR-8 routerand2x2RPDmustbecompatible. Alarm Output Interface. Source-----subslot 0/0. Verifying Normal Startup Sequence. Verifying Normal Startup Sequence. Alarms. Shows information about the alarms that have triggered the output relay. Verifies the. See the Cisco 10000 Series ESR Troubleshooting Guide. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. 11. ALARMS For Cisco ASR 1001 Router. The following example shows how to use the show facility-alarm status command to verify if any critical alarm is generated when a module is removed from the system: Device# show facility-alarm status System Totals Critical: 8 Major: 0. Router# show facility-alarm status System Totals Critical: 4 Major: 0 Minor: 0 Source Time Severity Description [Index] ----- ----- ----- ----- Power Supply Module 1 Mar 12 2014 09:05:21 CRITICAL Power Supply Failure [0] xcvr container 0/0/0 Mar 12 2014. Dependingontherequirement,youcanoverridethedefault. Step 6 . end. 7(1) AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 8 AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 HistoryforAlarms. There are 2 input feeds for 900 watts DC power supply, if one of the input voltage is lesser than the operating voltage, critical alarm is generated for that particular feed and clears (stops) once the voltage is restored but the power supply state remains in OK state as the. ciscoasa> show facility-alarm status info Source Severity Description Relay Time ciscoasa minor external alarm contact 1 triggered Energized 06:56:50 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 ciscoasa minor Temp below Secondary Threshold De-energized 06:56:49 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 ciscoasa major Redundant pwr missing or failed De-. Step 10. copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. How to Configure Switch Alarms Configuring the Switch Temperature Alarms Associating the Temperature Alarms to a Relay By default, the primary temperature alarm is. Output looks like this: asr1001#show facility-alerm status System Totals Critical: 2 Major: 0 Minor: 0 Source Severity Description [Index] ----- ----- ----- GigabitEthernet0/0/0 CRITICAL Physical Port Link Down [1. Verifying Normal Startup Sequence. Command Purpose Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. The following example. Alarms. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. Step 4 show facility-alarm status Example: Router(config)# show facility-alarm status Generates output that shows information about each alarm depending on the severity level that is set. Send power supply alarm traps to an SNMP server. Monitoring >Properties >Alarm >Facility Alarm Status AlarmportssupportfortheISA3000 9. To view alarms, use the show facility-alarm status command. Indicates an alarm condition at OC-12, DS3, or DS1 level. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. > show facility-alarm status info Source Severity Description Relay Time firepower minor external alarm contact 1 triggered Energized 06:56:50 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 firepower minor Temp below Secondary Threshold De-energized 06:56:49 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 firepower major Redundant pwr missing or failed. By checking the state of the LEDs, you can determine when and where the system failed in the startup sequence. To view the alarms on Cisco ASR 900 Series Router, use the show facility-alarm status command. 11. show environment alarm-contact. You cannot establish a. Device from which the alarm was triggered. To view alarms, use the show facility-alarm status command. show facility-alarm status. Other possible status values are Warning and Critical. Verifying Normal Startup Sequence. Options. Send power supply alarm traps to a syslog server. The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. The LEDs indicate all system states in the startup sequence. show alarm settings. Forexample,toenableallactionsforthealarminputcontact1,enterthefollowing: alarmfacilityinput-alarm1relay alarmfacilityinput-alarm1syslog alarmfacilityinput-alarm1notifiesRouter(config)# logging alarm critical. Sends power supply alarm traps to a syslog server. The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. > show facility-alarm status info Source Severity Description Relay Time firepower minor external alarm contact 1 triggered Energized 06:56:50 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 firepower minor Temp below Secondary Threshold De-energized 06:56:49 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 firepower major Redundant pwr missing or failed. The routers are. ciscoasa> show facility-alarm status info Source Severity Description Relay Time ciscoasa minor external alarm contact 1 triggered Energized 06:56:50 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 ciscoasa minor Temp below Secondary Threshold De-energized 06:56:49 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 ciscoasa major Redundant pwr missing or failed De-energized 07:00:19 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014. You can view the SNMP traps through the SNMP manager. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. Table 5-1 Switch Global Status Monitoring Alarms FCS Error Hy. 6. Facility Protocol Status Support; Monitoring Alarms. show alarm settings. Sends power supply alarm traps to a syslog server. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. of the VBBL, for the verification of fire alarm systems and signals to fire department. Source. System experiences a minor alarm (Minor LED on the PRE is on) Enter the show facility-alarm status command at the console. alarm facility power-supply syslog. Environmental Monitoring; Fan Failures;. show facility-alarm relay. Source Shows the system component that is the source of the alarm. Returns to privileged EXEC mode. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. Bias-Free Language. copy running-config startup-config•show environment power •show platform hardware slot P <0-5> mcu status •show facility-alarm status •show redundancy •show redundancy line card all •show ip ospf neighbor •show cable modem voice •show cable calls •show cable licenses all •show inventory •show log •show cable rpd •show cable modem summary total •show cable. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. Monitoring Syslog Messages for Alarms. Step 6 . For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. There are 2 input feeds for 900 watts DC power supply, if one of the input voltage is lesser than the operating voltage, critical alarm is generated for that particular feed and clears (stops) once the voltage is restored but the power supply state remains in OK state as the. If alarm severity is not specified, alarm messages for all severity levels are sent to logging devices. 1w release, if the link redundancy is enabled, show facility-alarm status will not report physical port link down on the interface unless both ports assigned to this interface are down, and transceiver missing on either port, active or standby, will be a critical alarm. end. Depending on the type of alarms you configure, you might see. Starting from Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16. on my router-2, port 0 is inactive, port 1 is active. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. show redundancy line card all. There are 2 input feeds for 900 watts DC power supply, if one of the input voltage is lesser than the operating voltage, critical alarm is generated for that particular feed and clears (stops) once the voltage is restored. The allowable range is from 1 to 10 percent. Monitoring Syslog Messages for Alarms. 8. show facility-alarm status. Shows the current configuration for each possible alarm. This command displays facility alarms on the system. 7. The info keyword provides the same output as using no keyword. show alarm settings. Shows information about the alarms that have triggered the output relay. Router# show facility-alarm status System Totals Critical: 2 Major: 0 Minor:. Verifying Normal Startup Sequence. The info keyword provides the same output as using no keyword. The following example. Send power supply alarm traps to a syslog server. Title: Alarms for the Cisco ISA 3000Step 9 show facility-alarm status Displays all generated alarms for the switch. The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. 2. show facility-alarm status [info | major | minor] Shows information on all alarms that have been triggered. 4. 7. Table 9-4 show facility-alarm status Field Descriptions Field Description System Totals Shows the number of alarms in the output display by severity. Depending on the type of alarms you configure, you might see. Return to privileged EXEC mode. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. I have attached a show ip int bri & show facility-alarm status since it is more user. 10. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. Alarm support is intended to cover a focused subset of router states that are likely to indicate service impacts (or imminent service impacts) related to the overall state of hardware assemblies (cards, fans, links, and so on). ciscoasa> show facility-alarm status info Source Severity Description Relay Time ciscoasa minor external alarm contact 1 triggered Energized 06:56:50 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 ciscoasa minor Temp below Secondary Threshold De-energized 06:56:49 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 ciscoasa major Redundant pwr missing or failed De-energized 07:00:19 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014. 7e81)Switch#show facility-alarm status Source Severity Description Relay Time Switch MINOR 34 HSR ring is partially down MAJ Oct 24 2017 10:16:10 ----- Switch# show facility-alarm status Source Severity Description. If that LED goes red, it means that there is a critical alarm on the platform. show facility-alarm status [info | major | minor] To set the alarm clear threshold at 5*10-10, the hysteresis, value h , is determined as follows: h = alarm clear threshold / alarm set threshold. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. On the ASR 1000 chassis that uses the affected Cisco IOS XE images (see the Products Affected section), the PSU state might be incorrectly displayed as “ps fail” even though the PSU functions as intended. Title: Alarms for the Cisco ISA 3000The new Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controllers provide support for 40 and 80 Gbps throughput with support for 2000 APs, 32000 clients and 6000 APs and 64000 clients respectively to ensure better performance and scale for business-critical networks. show facility-alarm status [info | major | minor] This command displays all alarms based on severity specified. 7(1) AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 8 AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 HistoryforAlarms. With the command "show facility-alarm status", I have this :System Totals Critical: 4 Major: 2 Minor: 0 Source Severity Description [Index] ----- ----- ----- Power Supply Module 0 CRITICAL Power Supply Failure [0] Power Supply Module 0 CRITICAL All Fans Failed [1] Power Supply Module 0. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. . Enter the show facility-alarm status command at the console. Send power supply alarm traps to a syslog server. Step 5. show alarm. show facility shows port 1 as critical, no fault-light. show facility-alarm status [critical | info | major] Displays generated alarms on. Insteadofconfiguringonecontact,youcanspecifyanytochangetheseverityforallcontacts. Monitoring >Properties >Alarm > Facility Alarm Status AlarmportssupportfortheISA3000 9. Title: Alarms for the Cisco ISA 3000Alarm Yellow Off Indicates an alarm condition at OC-12, DS3, or DS1 level. status. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. Checking Status Using show Commands. To view the alarms on Cisco ASR 1001 router, use the show facility-alarm status command. show env power. The clear facility-alarm command does not clear an alarm LED on the Cisco Catalyst 9800-40 Wireless Controller. Loop (active loop) Yellow. If alarm severity is not specified, alarm messages for all severity levels are sent to logging devices. 7(1) AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 8 AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 HistoryforAlarms. show alarm profile [name] Displays all alarm profiles in the system or a specified profile. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. Source Shows the system component that is the source of the alarm. In the event of a Fan failure, the Fan tray status will be displayed as "fail" along with the. Sends power supply alarm traps to a syslog server. Displays the switch power status. show facility-alarm relay. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. If that LED goes red, it means that there is a critical alarm on the platform. Shows information about the physical status of the input alarm contacts. When I type LTERouter# show facility-alarm status, I see that the LTE cards which are installed in subslot 0/1 and 0/2 have a "Critical" alarm and in the description it says "Active Card Removed OIR Alarm [0] Except the cards are installed in the chassis. Alarm Output Interface. 1, on RSP3 module, alarm notification is enabled on 900 watts DC power supply. show facility-alarm status. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. Router(config)# logging alarm critical. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. Thanks for your help. Displays all generated alarms for the switch. By checking the state of the LEDs, you can determine when and where the system failed in the startup sequence. •major. However, this command does not fix the alarm condition that triggered the external alarm: you still must resolve the problem. Router#show alarm Alarm contact 0: Description: External alarm contact on Motherboard Status: Not Asserted Application: Dry Severity: major Trigger: Open Mode: Input Router# Router#show facility-alarm status System Totals Critical: 0 Major: 1 Minor: 0 Source Time Severity Description [Index] ----- ----- ----- ----- External alarm contact Oct 16. The State column in show platform command output should display "ok" for SIPs, SPAs,. There is no such behavior documented . For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. Shows the current configuration for each possible alarm. Facility Alarms provide a useful tool for operators to easily track and display the basic status of their equipment facilities. 04-07-2021 12:25 PM. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Feature History 1 CHAPTER 2 Alarms 3 SONETAlarms 3 AlarmsatSONETLayers 3 SDHAlarm 5 CHAPTER 3 Alarm Profiling and Auto In-Service States 9 AlarmProfiling 9 LimitationsofAlarmProfiles 10 AlarmProfileClassification 11 AlarmSupportforLoopback 14 DefaultAlarmProfiles 15 HowtoConfigureAlarmProfile 15. Once hardware is installed and operational, use alarms to monitor hardware status on a daily basis. Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Router(config)# logging alarm critical. Additionally, you can use the show facility-alarm status command to view the alarms. The LEDs indicate all system states in the startup sequence. Step 3. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. Facility Protocol Status Support; Monitoring Alarms. The console terminal displays the following error message if you execute. show env {all | power | temperature} Displays the status of environmental facilities on the switch. show log. ciscoasa> show facility-alarm status info Source Severity Description Relay Time ciscoasa minor external alarm contact 1 triggered Energized 06:56:50 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 ciscoasa minor Temp below Secondary Threshold De-energized 06:56:49 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014 ciscoasa major Redundant pwr missing or failed De-energized 07:00:19 UTC Mon Sep 22 2014. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “Feature Information for Alarm and Event Management” section. #show facility-alarms status. You can verify the alarms that cause the LED to go red with the show facility-alarm status command. System Totals Critical: 22 Major: 0 Minor: 0. Use the command "show platform" or "show facility-alarm status" to determine status of Fans in the Tray. 07-03-2015 04:53 AM Is it possible to disable the critical facility-alarm for the 'interface link-down' status, so the 'stat' led on the device doesn't turn red? (the interface is intended to. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. end. The following example shows a. Displays the status of environmental facilities on the switch. You can verify the alarms that cause the LED to. The following are examples of alarm messages that are sent to the console. Step 7 . Effective from Cisco IOS XE Everest 16. What's mean the following alarm over cisco ASR1001-X and how can I remove it? ROUTER#show facility-alarm status. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. show environment alarm-contact. No alarm condition exists. Displaying the List of Current Active Alarms and Events. •show facility-alarm status [info |major |minor] AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 6 AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 MonitoringAlarms. この出力には、一般的なログと、一部のワイヤレス固有のログが表示されます。ただし、従来のCisco IOS®とは異なり、ワイヤレスデバッグは通常、このログ出力に到達しません。. When I create a Tag Alarm and Event Server and double click on the. Step 5 . You can connect an external alarm, such as a buzzer or light, to the alarm output interface. If issue still persists. All alarms at and above this threshold are sent as syslog messages. 显示每个可能的报警的当前配置。 show environment alarm-contact. 7(1) AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 8 AlarmsfortheCiscoISA3000 HistoryforAlarms. The following example de-energizes the output relay and clears the alarm state of the output LED: > clear facility. Documentation would suggest Alarm led sould be stdy green. show alarm settings. Technical Assistance. show alarm settings.